Terra Remota

rganic Wines located in the Emporda DOP just across the Pyrenean mountain.

The Terra Remota winery was founded in 1999, when the Bournazeau Florensa family acquires 15 hectares of virgin land occupied by oaks, cork oak, pine … which later on becomes a property covering 44 hectares located in the far northeast of the Iberian Peninsula, in the Alt Empordà region, in Girona province, and falling within the DO Empordà. In 2017, it acquired 10 more hectares, completing the property in a total of 54 ha (26 ha vinified).

S ituated on the outskirts of the villages of Capmany and Sant Climent Sescebes, at the heart of a forested area, the estate is protected from the northern tramuntana wind by the Albera Massif. It lies some 15 km from the Mediterranean sea, at a height of 140 metres above sea level and has soils that are markedly granitic in nature. This is a solitary, captivating spot that appears to be far removed from the rest of the world, and this explains the name that Terra Remota has given to its project. Paradoxically, despite the remoteness of the location, this area has been occupied by human communities since ancient times. Thus, remains of settlements belonging to the Iberian culture have been documented in the region, which goes to prove the long history of the human presence in this territory. In recognition of this, for its logo, Terra Remota has used two symbols attributed to these ancient communities, engraved on blocks of granite: O+.

rom its birth, the Terra Remota winery has displayed a marked sensitivity towards the territory on which it stands, and coherence in the way it is integrated into the surrounding natural landscape. All this constitutes the backbone of Terra Remota’s philosophy and influences its actions in every sense.

iscover Marc and his family's wines at the Roussillon Wines Embassy.